deethy wrote in ontd_ai Oct 28, 2009 14:09
time for a my pants, you so fiya, the smell of desai're, ~smells like booty, uhhhh i have womanly parts, rubbing happened, never have i ~touched myself like that, balls, no evidence of twitter being the devil, !twitter, tears of joy on my pillow, !megan joy, omg yay, jizz out of fucking nowhere, my labia just clapped, omg... omfg, but then i ejaculate so it's all ok, wanton lust for seedy materials possibly, a splash of orgasm, , jizz in my pants
zorabet wrote in ontd_ai Sep 22, 2009 22:51
what's desai'ze of your penis?, !anoop desai, the smell of desai're, indian sex god, anoop or merusa will b& you